<span class="nombre-testimonio">Rita Hofstetter</span>
<span class="cargo-testimonio">Professor, University of Geneva; Co-director, ERHISE (Research Team on Social History of Education) </span>
Based on the rich archives of the IBE, ERHISE (Research Team on Social History of Education) is carrying out large-scale collective research, subsidized by the SNSF, on how educational internationalism was operationalized from the IBE.
Our research analyzes the configurations of educational internationalism at the time of its first institutionalization on a global scale. We examine the “causes” invested by its actors and map the networks that contributed to the construction of the IBE. We argue that the genesis of the institutionalization of international education unfolded during the interwar period. The IBE, filling a gap in the League of Nations’ competencies, constitutes an emblematic example of this evolution. Founded in 1925 on the initiative of the Rousseau Institute (Geneva) to promote peace through science and education, and also to federate all other international agencies involved in the process, the IBE became, in 1929, the first permanent intergovernmental organization in education. After 1946, BIE and UNESCO cooperated. Since 1969, IBE became an integral part of UNESCO. Based on the conceptual and methodological tools of the transnational turn, using diverse scales of observation in time and space, articulating different levels of analysis (local-global), our research analyze, from a Geneva institution dedicated to an international vocation, some key aspects of the configurations of educational internationalism. We try to enrich knowledge on phenomena such as the process of globalization, the actors involved in this process, the causes they invest and the procedures they resort to, considering them from the specific field of education policies and their configurations.
- <a href="https://www.unige.ch/fapse/erhise/en/accueil/" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="89.847" height="12" viewBox="0 0 89.847 12"> <text id="READ_MORE" data-name="READ MORE" transform="translate(0 10)" fill="#001544" font-size="10" font-family="Averta-Bold, Averta" font-weight="700" letter-spacing="0.015em"><tspan x="0" y="0">READ MORE</tspan></text> <g id="Grupo_1535" data-name="Grupo 1535" transform="translate(168.669 41.59) rotate(-90)"> <g id="Grupo_1532" data-name="Grupo 1532" transform="translate(29.724 -85.656)"> <path id="Trazado_1500" data-name="Trazado 1500" d="M713.228,154.225a11.853,11.853,0,0,1,1.951-3.591,3.323,3.323,0,0,1,2.41-1.538.9.9,0,0,1,.693.309,1.021,1.021,0,0,1,.282.7,1.118,1.118,0,0,1-.5.806,9.042,9.042,0,0,1-1.247.843q-.749.432-1.509.957a5.959,5.959,0,0,0-1.379,1.378,4.02,4.02,0,0,0-.759,1.837h-.1a4.2,4.2,0,0,0-.749-1.837,5.416,5.416,0,0,0-1.379-1.37c-.512-.349-1.016-.672-1.509-.965a9.341,9.341,0,0,1-1.239-.843,1.116,1.116,0,0,1-.5-.806,1,1,0,0,1,.291-.7.906.906,0,0,1,.683-.309,3.271,3.271,0,0,1,2.391,1.538,12.06,12.06,0,0,1,1.931,3.591" transform="translate(-707.696 -149.096)" fill="#001544"/></g><line id="Línea_278" data-name="Línea 278" y1="17.53" transform="translate(35.16 -98.698)" fill="none" stroke="#001544" stroke-width="1"/> </g> </svg></a>